Saturday, February 27, 2010

Silver or Gray?

I have all sorts of conversations with women. There is one conversation that comes around every once in awhile. The fantasy of having that beautiful silvery gray hair and abandoning the world of haircolor. Of course not everyone has the beautiful "silver" seen on the model in a retirement ad in a magazine. Most people have "gray" hair also referred to as "salt and pepper". Gray can make us look tired and drained of all color in our complexion. I am a big fan of gray hair on the right woman with the right skin tone, who is confident, wears great clothes and has a very modern hairstyle. We all think of the famous model Carmen when we think of that silver beauty. I always give women the "how to grow your hair out" speech, usually discouraging enough so that very few women take the plunge. I think we women can all marvel at the beauty of these few brave silver foxes but because of it's stigma white hair means you are old! I also find most husbands and boyfriends are not interested in having a partner with more gray than them. Of course there is the old double standard just to add fuel to the fire. We all know men look great with salt and pepper and it's more acceptable for a man to go gray. My male clients are often trying to keep up in business or encouraged by their wives and girlfriends to take a away a "few years". Lucky me...without this fixation on age. I would be out of a job.

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