Sunday, February 28, 2010

Change Your Haircolor?

Some women can change their haircolor drastically and look good. It's important to have the right skin tone and hair texture. Usually women with fair creamy skin do best because the contrast is always good. Some changes require more makeup and a new haircut. Madonna, Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz , Scarlet Johansson and Lindsay Lohan seem to change their haircolor as often as they change boyfriends or sometimes "girlfriends". These women in particular look great in many shades of blond, chocolate brown, red, strawberry blond and even black. Some women should think twice before changing. In my opinion, Jessica Alba should never be blond. She is a great brunette. Julia Roberts haircolor is better now without the orange of past years. Jessica Biel is also not a good blond. Sometimes change is nota bad idea. Christina Aguilera could give up the "Marilyn" look. I think the black hair was a little more interesting. I think Gwen Stefani and Pink pull off the platinum shades with more style. Paris Hilton could change the "yellow doll hair". Jessica Simpson is a good blond. I guess because we see these women so much we feel entitled to tell them what to do with their hair like we do with sisters and best friends. Of course hair is what I see first before I even hear what anyone is saying to me...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Silver or Gray?

I have all sorts of conversations with women. There is one conversation that comes around every once in awhile. The fantasy of having that beautiful silvery gray hair and abandoning the world of haircolor. Of course not everyone has the beautiful "silver" seen on the model in a retirement ad in a magazine. Most people have "gray" hair also referred to as "salt and pepper". Gray can make us look tired and drained of all color in our complexion. I am a big fan of gray hair on the right woman with the right skin tone, who is confident, wears great clothes and has a very modern hairstyle. We all think of the famous model Carmen when we think of that silver beauty. I always give women the "how to grow your hair out" speech, usually discouraging enough so that very few women take the plunge. I think we women can all marvel at the beauty of these few brave silver foxes but because of it's stigma white hair means you are old! I also find most husbands and boyfriends are not interested in having a partner with more gray than them. Of course there is the old double standard just to add fuel to the fire. We all know men look great with salt and pepper and it's more acceptable for a man to go gray. My male clients are often trying to keep up in business or encouraged by their wives and girlfriends to take a away a "few years". Lucky me...without this fixation on age. I would be out of a job.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Great Brown Hair

I love great brown hair. Suze Yalof Schwartz, fashion editor of Glamour magazine named me "the Brunette Guru."I love coloring brown hair and making it beautiful. Fighting that brassy orange, avoiding the "shoe polish" look, and going lighter in the neutral but subtle lighter brown shades without red are just a few of the challenges brunettes with in order to get natural brown haircolor. Not to mention covering gray hair and watching it come back in 10 days! As a brunette, I always admire great brown hair color. I love just a few to mention.... Kate Beckinsdale, Elizabeth Hurley and Kerry Washington. One of my pet peeves in brown hair trying to be "too blonde". As pretty as Eva Mendes is, most times her hair is too light or too orange or both. Sorry Eva.

When Roots Look Good...

Roots look good when you have "a look" that works. When I was doing Sarah Jessica Parker's haircolor for "The Sex in the City" series, clients would ask me all the time why does she always have roots? In this case, her roots made sense and it became part of her character. It all needs to work together: the right haircut(usually short or messy hair or both), alternative style of dress and a little attitude. Nothing worse than hair that looks it is growing out and in need of attention. Britney Spears usually looks like her hair needs color but Madonna has roots for years and it works.

Sunscreen For Your Hair

I have so many clients who complain about there hair going brassy in the sun. There is only two ways to prevent this... baseball cap or sunscreen for the hair. My favorite is....

Phyto Plage Protective Sun Veil - Strong Sun Protection

The Most Requested Blond Right Now

Reese, Jennifer, Gwyneth and Kate all have one thing in common - Blond hair that looks natural and not overly processed, which in my opinion never looks good - sorry Christina Aguilera and Britney S. The one thing you should do to guarantee you get great blond from your hairdresser is to say you don't want your hair to be one color and absolutely no brassy orange tones. It should be a combination of skinny and thicker highlights in golden and pale gold tones.